Cliff Hacks Things.

Monday, May 26, 2008

PropellerForth issue tracker

I've gotten a few blog comments from folks who are using PropellerForth. Yay!

A few comments have reported bugs.

I don't closely follow comments on my blog (though I respond when I have time) -- but I do get a email when someone reports a bug at the PropellerForth issue tracker over on Google Code!

If you're using PropellerForth and find a problem, please report it there. (Please don't post "bugs" like "You haven't released a binary in a few months" or "You haven't imported your Subversion repo." I assure you I'm working on both as time permits, but this isn't my day job.)

Of course, if you're using PropellerForth and haven't found a problem, I'd love to hear about that too! Blog comments are a fine place for that, or send me an email if you can track down my address. ;-)



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